Yakima Bait Mag Lip 3.0 – Dr Death
High action trolling plug designed to dive deep and catch a variety of game fish like trophy crappie, trout, walleye, steelhead and salmon describes this plug set best. Mag Lip 3.0 can be forward trolled in lakes or fished in rivers via trolling, still-fishing or back-trolling. Mag Lip is distinctive due to its ability to dive extra-deep while yielding an erratic, darting “skip-beat” action that produces savage strikes from fish. The “skip-beat” action produced by Mag Lip teases fish into striking similar to how a house cat pounces when coaxed with a ball & string. Many guides and anglers report a higher hook-to-land ratio when using Mag Lip as compared to other plug designs and credit the savage strikes and better hook-to-land ratio to the unique action produced.